Throughout May/June 2023, myself and 2 friends poured ourselves into planning, creating, designing, & gathering artists to host our very own art exhibition (all within 3 weeks), 'Art with Friends'. Our kaupapa was all about fearlessly putting ourselves out there, braving the imposter syndrome & showing the products of our shared passion within an inclusive space. We gathered 8 young artists to exhibit their work (myself included), across multiple mediums. Art with Friends took place in the heart of Ōrewa between Studio Rūma 7 Drifter Coffee. We held an opening night to kick off the 2 day exhibition, with acoustic music, live pottery throwing, film showings & art for sale. Event design / branding by myself & Loren Taylor. Social media marketing / content creation by myself & Emmeline Batten. Exhibition ideation / marketing strategy / event planning / setup by myself, Emmeline Batten & Loren Taylor.