Why is socialising with new people so inherently superficial? I crave meaningful connections and conversation; like real conversation – not that idle babble crap about how “unusually tired” you are today, which is often greeted with a civil “yea, same here!”, acting as if it’s breaking news to both parties that full-time students are, for the most part, always tired. But somehow that buzzword sparks some sort of relatability among us – almost as if it’s our first foot-in-the-door of acceptance. It’s that sense of affirmation which I think we all subconsciously strive for, which makes that pleasantry chatter feel so important in the moment. Though if I’m being brutally honest, that stuff doesn’t really interest me. It’s those refreshing and often lengthy conversations that I love! It’s discovering what fuels somebody’s passion, what ignites their smile, or simply what gives them that ongoing zest for life. Ahh yes, it’s that zesty stuff I find so unbelievably interesting about a person, because it’s those things that have the capability of changing our own perspectives. So no, I don’t find myself head over heels intrigued by how “tired” you are or how “humid” the weather is today; I mean do any of us really relish in that revolving cycle of small talk?
Put it this way, I’ve had some of the most unforgettable conversations with total strangers simply by landing on a topic that they have a passion for far beyond my own realm of comprehension. It’s like unveiling a chapter in their story, it’s the joy of seeing someone’s face go from deadbeat to beaming in a matter of seconds – it’s a pretty cool moment if you ask me! But why isn’t that the hot topic in our society, why are we all so guarded and timid with our emotions that we rely mostly on shallow default discussions? Why is it that we naturally must leap to conclusions, whereby somebody simply being friendly will instinctively freak us out, as though we‘re not accustomed to socialise on a deeper level? I mean, for me I’d far rather have an authentic conversation with one person for hours on end, than seek to please 10 people with my knowledge of today’s humidity levels or shock them with how little sleep I had last night. There’s real beauty in being vulnerable and digging deeper beyond that surface-level chitchat. How cool would it be if we replaced the superficial with the passionate, just think about it ~ it’s that zesty stuff haha!

March, 2020